Kenny Omega vs Bryan Danielson (AEW, 9-22-2021)

AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam, Queens, NY

The decision to lead the show with this was a bold one, especially considering they had to tape Rampage for two hours after the two hours of Dynamite. But the crowd is just white hot here; it’s a flex move to really showcase these guys and their buzzed-about match with the most ridiculously engaged crowd possible, 20K in a stadium in Queens for the second-ever Omega-Danielson singles match, and the first one the vast majority of people will ever see. Also the first one that won’t be worked as a midcard comedy match.

The crowd is molten hot to start, going nuts for the entrances, and getting rowdy as hell when the bell sounds, and again for the lock-up. There’s a moment during their across-the-ring staredown where the cameras get tight on both guys. Danielson has a big smile on his face, and Omega, trying to stare daggers, does let his eyes wander while staying still otherwise. This is a certifiable Moment, and everyone is very aware of it.

Kenny throws the first real strike, a chop. They grapple around a bit and Danielson throws the second, a hard kick to the chest and breadbasket, and Omega rolls out of the ring to recover for a moment.

Both know they have the crowd absolutely locked up here, but they’re not just resting on their laurels either. They do stay in second gear for a while, but with occasional bursts up, like Danielson hitting a tope suicida, but then he goes back in and slows it down. This is what Danielson does. He also takes the chance to bust out the “I’ve got five, referee!” bit for the fans who know, as there’s no actual focus on it and commentary don’t acknowledge it.

Jim Ross is very into Omega having big, heavy hands, and I like it as commentary work. It adds that little something to the legend of Kenny Omega. Finlay Roll from Omega and he goes for the moonsault follow-up, but Danielson gets the knees up. The chests of both men already beaten red from the chops and kicks laid in thus far, and yet it still feels like they’re basically taking it relatively easy. They’re just this good.

Running lariat from Danielson and he’s got the momentum back, landing a dropkick in the corner and more kicks. Rana from Danielson, and a really good one that catches Tony Schiavone’s eye as something to analyze. But Omega comes back with his own, planting Danielson hard and Bryan rolls outside. Omega starts the T2 clap, or tries to; really more a Japan thing. Omega with a huge somersault dive, and he lands hard himself.

Danielson also gets Cattle Mutilation on at one point; brief, but again just an acknowledgment that this is “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson again. They go out onto the large, very cool ramp, which slopes down on the last stretch toward the ring, Plexiglass over LED over scaffolding according to Excalibur. Danielson lands some kicks, but one gets slipped and Omega hits a snapdragon out there, then ambles up to the top of the stage for a wild running start on a crazy, thudding V-Trigger. Again, that last stretch is downhill, so when he leaves his feet, he really is just flying at Danielson with less control than normal.

Danielson gets slammed on (not through) a ringside table as they do slow it down a bit for the picture-in-picture bit on TNT, but I am now watching the international FITE version for this review so I’m just hearing the continued call.

Once they’re back from TNT break, Omega immediately picks it up with a wild buckle bomb. For a moment you believe that Danielson may have really hurt his wrist, not because they’re throwing attention to it on commentary, but because of Danielson’s selling; and maybe he really did hurt his wrist a bit, but it’s not so bad that he’s out of the match or anything.

Missile dropkick to the back from Omega gets a two count, and JR notes that he may look back and regret a lazy pin there, as he might have had it won. Omega now fully focused on the neck of Danielson, and sets Bryan up top for something big. Danielson manages to escape and crotch Kenny up top.

“God, this has been a good match,” JR says halfway under his breath.

Back superplex from Danielson and both guys are down. “These two are kicking each others ass,” Tony throws in. Danielson with jabs and leg kicks, but he runs right into a high knee, and then Omega rolls into a rolling elbow. Shoulder capture suplex from Danielson gets two.

Omega does wind up hitting the avalanche dragon suplex, with Danielson going fully over and taking the bump on his front side, which anyone should with that move. Omega signals for the V-Trigger and it does hit. Danielson is rocked to hell and Kenny goes for the One-Winged Angel, but Danielson counters with a reverse rana!

Another V-Trigger attempt misses, and Danielson lands a measured buzzsaw kick. But he’s caught with a power bomb going for his running knee, and there’s another V-Trigger and it gets a believable two. Omega pulls out the Phoenix Splash but it misses, and Danielson goes to the legs with more kicks. Now they’re trading forearms, and Danielson puts him down with more kicks, then that buzzsaw shot to the skull with Omega seated on his ass.

Danielson grabs the wrists and just stomps the shit out of Omega, and now he’s got the LeBell Lock as Justin Roberts rather quietly announces there is one minute remaining in the match. Omega gets out of the hold, comes back with a V-Trigger, but his ripcord is reversed into a Danielson rolling elbow, and then it’s another V-Trigger from Omega and both men are rocked down to the canvas.

But they come up quickly to trade shots on their knees. Danielson first up with more kicks, but Kenny right back up with shots of his own, and the bell sounds as they’re trading blows. Danielson going for the LeBell Lock again, but the bell has sounded. Post-match has some stuff with the Young Bucks and Adam Cole and the Christian and Jurassic Lads group, but it doesn’t add to the match.

The quality of the work is, of course, incredible. Bryan Danielson is as good as anyone who’s ever done it between the ropes, and Kenny Omega has been climbing that chart for years now, too. Any talk that Omega had slowed down or lost a step in any meaningful fashion should be over with, he has delivered a series of absolute banger matches in the last month alone, two with Christian Cage on Rampage and at All Out and now this one. And more than how good the match is — and it’s great, and they kept plenty enough in the tank for the next time they do this — it’s just the crowd, the moment, the feeling this match gives off from start to finish. It’s special, and everyone in that stadium knows it, including Danielson and Omega, who both luxuriate in having the crowd so easily in the palms of their hands, and also know they have to live up to their reputations, which they do.

Rating: 5/5

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2 thoughts on “Kenny Omega vs Bryan Danielson (AEW, 9-22-2021)

  1. Putting a match like this on first isn’t just a bold move, it’s a power move. “Look what we can offer”, AEW seem to be saying. They’ve got the goods these days.

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