REVIEW: AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door (6-25-2023)

HERE WE GO! From Toronto! This door is so mother fucking forbidden, bro! I’m fired up! AEW is hot right now! In a couple weeks if a show or three is a little lackluster I’ll say it’s cold! And then if they have a couple good ones I’ll say they’re back! That is how I do!

(Requests open and tips always appreciated!)

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Kenny Omega vs Jon Moxley (AEW, 5-10-2023)

AEW Dynamite, Detroit, MI

This Dynamite main event is being held inside of a STEEL CAGE! The Blackpool Combat Club, who don’t have a single affiliated Englishman, have harassed “The Elite” for weeks on end and here we are. Moxley’s promo the week before was quite good. Omega’s was not! But promos are not Omega’s strong suit and he’s good enough and has a sort of legitimate charisma even still that it doesn’t matter much for him and never has.

(Requests open and tips always appreciated!)

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REVIEW: AEW Revolution (3-5-2023)

Let’s rock/roll!

Chris Jericho vs Ricky Starks

A good match and a really good choice for opener. I thought referee Aubrey Edwards did her usual horrendous job when she didn’t DQ Jericho once Sammy Guevara came out to the ringside area, from which the Jericho Appreciation Society were explicitly banned, and I thought the baseball bit bit was a little dumb, but the action was good and all that. Starks having Jericho’s number when things are fair and even is cool, seems like it’s the guy Jericho is going to actually “make,” as much as that’s a possible thing anymore, and not just “lose to”; the two are very different things. 3/5

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Kenny Omega vs Bryan Danielson (AEW, 9-22-2021)

AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam, Queens, NY

The decision to lead the show with this was a bold one, especially considering they had to tape Rampage for two hours after the two hours of Dynamite. But the crowd is just white hot here; it’s a flex move to really showcase these guys and their buzzed-about match with the most ridiculously engaged crowd possible, 20K in a stadium in Queens for the second-ever Omega-Danielson singles match, and the first one the vast majority of people will ever see. Also the first one that won’t be worked as a midcard comedy match.

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Kenny Omega vs Andrade El Idolo (AAA, 8-14-2021)

AAA TripleMania XXIX, Mexico City, Mexico

This comes a day after Omega dropped the Impact title to Christian Cage in AEW, and just a few weeks before the Omega-Cage rematch at All Out. The thought going into this that basically everyone had was that Omega probably would drop the AAA Mega title here to Andrade, setting up the idea that Kenny is starting to reel with back-to-back losses, making him really vulnerable for All Out.

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Bryan Danielson vs Kenny Omega (PWG, 4-12-2009)

PWG One Hundred, Reseda, CA

Figure now’s a good time to watch this match I’ve never seen. I mean, neither of these guys are who they were 12 years ago, but it seems pretty likely we’ll be seeing this match in the next six months or so, depending on how slow a burn AEW want to go with in building to the match everyone wants to see. As of right now, this is the only singles match Danielson and Omega have ever had.

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