Bruiser Brody vs Nord the Barbarian (Windy City, 4-30-1988)

Windy City Wrestling, Chicago, IL

This was one of Bruiser Brody’s last matches before he was murdered in Puerto Rico a few months later. You can watch this on YouTube, and I had to dig around on the internet to find the exact date of this one, but hey, I found it.

Nord’s a guy who wasn’t dwarfed by Brody’s size. Nord, of course, would go on to be the Berzerker in the WWF a few years after this. This match is at the International Amphitheatre in Chicago.

They criss-cross a bit, then lock up. “Neither one of these guys has an elevator that goes all the way to the top.” These two guys also teamed together in the AWA back in ’86.

Brody goes to an armbar and the big men get to their knees. Nord grabs Brody by the hair, referee breaks that. “These are two animals in that ring.” Brody stands the armbar back up and Nord pushes him to the corner, where Brody breaks and Nord lands a chop.

Brody basically ignores the chop and we go back to work. Nord with a side headlock. Off the ropes, they collide but nobody budges. Nord screams out and poses, Brody ignores him. Nord back to a headlock, Brody grabbing a bearhug at the same time as they wrestle over to the corner for a break. Brody with a shotgun chop, Nord turns it around and lands a couple of his own.

Brody whipped to the other side, Nord runs into a boot. Brody goes down to his knees in a fighting stance, Nord does the same. “I told ya, they’re animals!”

Knuckle lock now and Nord powers Brody down to his knees. Brody over to his back, Nord still holding on to the knuckle lock. Nord gets a two count. They stand back up, Nord has an armbar on now, and Brody goes back to his knee.

“Both with fur-lined boots. Probably went out and killed ’em bare-handed to get the animal fur.”

Shoulderblock goes nowhere again, then Nord hits a big hiptoss and misses an elbow drop. Brody with a kick to the head, then he tosses Nord out to the floor. Brody follows and slams Nord’s head into a table. Nord has the table, they’re fighting over it, and Nord backs Brody to the apron. Nord drops the table and rams Brody into the ring post.

Brody back into the ring, dazed. Nord still outside. Brody’s cut, I’m told, not that you can see on this ancient VHS transfer. Nord with a big boot back in, and he knocks Brody down again. Nord biting the cut, hell yeah! “If you are faint of heart, it is time to turn away.”

Nord staying on the attack, clubbing down on the bloody Brody. Brody gets up, though. Nord rams him into the turnbuckle, and we go to a break. Back from that and Nord is still in control, hammering away at Brody’s bloody forehead. More biting.

Nord with a boot on the downed Brody. Nord with a couple more kicks to the head, Brody just staring him down, but hurting, no doubt. Nord is EATING THE BLOOD OF BRODY. This rules. Brody with a kick to the gut, but Nord rakes the cut and gets the advantage right back. Headbutt from Nord.

Brody staggering about, then down and out to the floor, wandering sort of aimlessly. Referee starts the count as Nord joins him, sending Brody into the post once more. Brody down to the floor as Nord celebrates his dominance. They’re both back in at five or whatever. Long five, but hey.

Brody coming back! Nord trading shots with Brody! Nord getting the better of it, as Brody has lost blood. Then Brody just throws a wild boot and sends Nord backwards into the ropes. Nord reverses a whip and hits a dropkick! Referee gets bumped by Brody as Brody falls.

Great close-up shot of Brody’s face, the blood covering his right eye. Nord sends Brody off the ropes, nope, reversed, and Brody his the big boot, sending Nord tumbling over the top to the floor. Brody goes after him and puts the boot to him.

Brody grabs a chair and whacks Nord across the back. Nord goes down, obviously, and then he’s up, he and Brody fighting toward the apron. Referee calling for the ball, he’s lost control of the match. They get back in and continue to fight, with Brody hammering away at Nord and hitting another big boot.

Brody kicks away at Nord and throws him back out to the floor again. Brody choking Nord with the camera cord, they fight among the Chicago humanoids, and the referee calls for a double DQ back in the ring. Brody makes his way back to the ring and has a chair and wants to keep going, but Nord is gone. They tease him coming back to fight, but he doesn’t.

Rating: 3/5. Nord was underrated and could really brawl, and on the other side is, you know, Brody. It’s a fun fight where Brody gives Nord a ton. They were supposed to have a big return match in Chicago, then Brody was murdered in Puerto Rico.