WWF Saturday Night’s Main Event (1-4-1986)

From the USF Sun Dome in Tampa, Florida, it’s SATURDAY NIGHT’S MAIN EVENT!

I don’t usually do entire show reviews, of course, but I don’t NOT do them, and this is a request! There will be a couple more, too. Plus SNME runs about 60 minutes and had a breeziness, so I’m looking forward to it.

Just a reminder that if you DO want to request a full show — which is welcome! — it, like, costs more than the normal $3. Because it is long and takes up a lot of my time. And what a great treat you get in the end! Me saying shit about wrestling to read while you take a crap or dump.

(Requests open and tips always appreciated!)

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One Match From Each of the First 10 WrestleManias

Today is WrestleMania. Well, tonight is the first part of the 40th WrestleMania, which now comes in two parts, because there is no greater master than money, and they can sell out two nights in a stadium with ease, or come so close that it doesn’t matter they didn’t; the point is these things make a lot of money for a company that could, just once, sacrifice bonus money for something special, but obviously they will not.

I don’t watch wrestling much anymore. This will change sometime, in one way or another; I have increasing doubts I will ever follow current wrestling the way I have in the past, though I did watch ACTION’s DEAN~!!! show on Thursday and the Ring of Honor show on Friday, and enjoyed both other than simply not having the desire to spend four hours watching wrestling shows anymore. It’s actually not that I have a lot else to be doing, but I do have other things I could do.

Continue reading “One Match From Each of the First 10 WrestleManias”

20-Man Battle Royal (WWF, 3-27-1988)

WWF WrestleMania IV, Atlantic City, NJ

This is a request via Ko-fi. It’s for the entire show, which I’ll break into match-by-match reviews, since that’s how I do it here on this blog. I have watched this show so many times in my life. It was a favorite 88 cent rental from the Movie Zoo when I was a youngster for two reasons: 1) I love tournaments, and especially loved them as a kid, and 2) It was four hours as a double VHS so more bang for my not-quite-a-buck. It is not a good show, certainly not by today’s standards and really not then either, but it is one I have a remarkable soft spot for, and I’m happy to fuck with it again. Also because I was paid money to fuck with it, that helps.

Continue reading “20-Man Battle Royal (WWF, 3-27-1988)”