Bobby Lashley vs Goldberg (WWE, 8-21-2021)

WWE SummerSlam, Paradise, NV

Nobody really asked for this match but they didn’t have anything for Lashley to do, really, because they’re bad at building even, like, stay-busy world title challengers, so until we can go back to Lashley-McIntyre, here’s Goldberg!

I don’t mind Goldberg matches these days, even the infamous Undertaker Saudi match. They knew how to sell this one, as a “clash of titans” thing, which is really all Goldberg can do.

He bangs up his knee early and commentary don’t immediately jump on it, which tells you either it’s a legit hobbling or it’s going to be a big part of the story later and they don’t want to draw too much attention to it, which is magnificent thinking.

I like what they’re doing early here. MVP pulls Lashley out to avoid a spear, but Goldberg’s old ass jaunts around outside and gets Lashley anyway. Back in and Goldberg sets for another spear, but with the referee pointlessly not paying attention, MVP hits Goldberg in the back of the knee with his cane, which Goldberg takes a moment to register, which actually isn’t that unrealistic for a mega monster freak like Goldberg.

Lashley in with a chop block and he’s got the chance to dominate now, going for the Hurt Lock, and when he can’t get it, right back to the knee with a chop block. Goldberg is retreating now, rolling out of the ring. Now we’re talking knee, and Lashley runs that knee into the LED post. They do that a second time.

Back in the ring, Goldberg can’t put weight on the knee. His selling is quite good. The referee stops the match, which is not what the crowd wants, but I think artistically or whatever this works. The reality is they’re going to bring Goldberg back, and it’ll be to do something toward the top end of the card, whether that’s Lashley or someone else (obviously it’s gonna be Lashley).

If Lashley beats him here, that’s three consecutive straight up losses for Goldberg, and if you don’t want to bounce the belt to Goldberg, you can’t have him win. A DQ or whatever would be lamer than however lame you might think this is.

Post-match sees Lashley take a chair to Goldberg’s knee, as he has promised to end Goldberg once and for all. Eventually, Sonberg (whose name is apparently “Gage” but I will not be calling him that any time soon) jumps Lashley from behind and winds up in the Hurt Lock. People love it. MVP realizes that’s going too far and tries to get Lashley to relent, then takes the mic.

“There’s no way Bobby could’ve known that was Goldberg’s son. That could’ve been anybody! There was no way to do know that!”

Lashley is out of the ring and MVP is seriously pretty shook about this, voice and facial expression and eyes. Goldberg shouting “I’m going to kill you!” as they leave. Sonberg just barely able to keep a straight face on the sell but BY GOD he managed it, bless the kid.

So we’re going to see Lashley-Goldberg again, and I’m ready for it. True personal issues are the heartbeat of pro wrestling, and no matter how much WWE tries to avoid being pro wrestling, there will always be that bit of blood pumping in the company that can’t be anything else. This was some of that. I loved it.

Rating: 3.5/5