Billy Gunn vs CM Punk (WWE, 1-20-2014)

WWE Monday Night Raw, Dayton, OH

This was the last singles match CM Punk ever had. I don’t know, felt like a good day to watch it.

This came about because Punk was having troubles with Director of Operations Kane, so there’s a pre-match promo between those two. I don’t care so FF. At the end of it, Brad Maddox (!) comes out and introduces the New Age Outlaws, who had been Punk’s partners the prior week against The Shield. Boy, I wonder why this guy was getting sick of being in WWE?

We ignore almost all the early action to point a camera at Road Dogg doing bland commentary explaining every ounce of the storyline, then go to a commercial right after Punk comes over there but doesn’t do anything.

Back in the ring, Gunn uses his power and size to his advantage, as he would do, as you would expect, as you’d reckon. Gunn hits one move and slaps on a chinhold. It’s worth noting Punk was fairly banged up at this point, too, not just Billy being an old fella.

Gunn hits a great dropkick and we pretend he looks as young and strong as ever. Billy takes the shirt off, and yes, he’s still in great shape, but absolutely in his early 50s. Punk gets a high knee in on Gunn and heads out to attack Road Dogg at commentary, which is nice, then smack talks JBL a bit.

Back in the ring, Punk is putting the offense together and Billy is doing his best to keep the pace. It always almost misses a beat but not quite. High knee strike in the corner, Road Dogg gets knocked off the apron, but Punk turns around into a tilt-a-whirl slam from Gunn.

Gunn gets pulled out of the ring by Road Dogg when he’s vulnerable, but Punk takes Road Dogg out with a dive. Lawler: “Guys this is like………..” And since he stops JBL gets in there before Lawler continues that it’s “like a handicap match out here.” Anyway, Punk hits the Go to Sleep for the clean win in just under nine minutes.

It’s not good, but it’s not bad, so it’s, y’know, an average 2010-present WWE TV match. It has enough substance to not feel like nothing, but that substance is all on the surface. Punk would wind up working the Royal Rumble six days later, then that was it for him.

Rating: 2/5

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