The Belfast Bruiser vs Lord Steven Regal (WCW, 4-13-1996)

WCW Saturday Night, Birmingham, AL

This is a rematch from Uncensored ’96, a miserable show that DID include a super violent match between Finlay and Regal, a match shocking in its stiffness on a WCW program, producing hardway blood and causing Eric Bischoff to have a panic attack live on pay-per-view. Two weeks before this match on The Mothership, Finlay attacked Regal, and the week before, Regal cut a promo with a black eye.

Tony and Dusty are on commentary and Dusty thinks Finlay is going to take care of some business.

Finlay takes off his shoulderpad and jacket on the way to the ring. He gets in. And he walks over to Regal. And Regal kicks him square in the fucking face. And we are off to the races. I mean, it’s a kick that you have to rewind and watch repeatedly. “This ain’t gon’ be pretty,” Dusty notes.

Regal with a European uppercut, what counts as all but a shoot dropkick, and then he throws Finlay out to the floor. Regal just clotheslines the FUCK out of Finlay, throws him into the railing, and Finlay starts clubbing Regal the fuck back. Regal with jabs to the eye! Knee to the nose!


Finlay backs down from Regal in the ring! Finlay goes behind and gets him in a “nervy hold” and then tears at Regal’s nose and mouth, then stomps on his fucking hands. Snapmare and vicious elbowdrop across the throat from Finlay for two.

Regal flips out of a wristlock and kicks Finlay in the goddamn face. Finlay with a drop toehold, then Regal grabs him by the neck and smacks him in the nose and we go to a crowd shot for NO GOOD CHICKENSHIT ’96 WCW REASON.

Again Regal just palm strikes Finlay in the nose. Finlay grappling on top of him, then stands up and kicks Regal in the spine. Short arm lariat from Finlay! Finlay misses an elbowdrop and Regal goes after his arm. Regal with stomps to the back of the head and a forearm across the face.

European uppercut from Regal, Finlay goes to the eye and a headbutt to the gut. Snapmare from Finlay, and he crushes Regal with a senton. Finlay covers for two and grabs a top wristlock. Another two count.

Finlay to a cross armbreaker. Regal palm strikes Finlay in the nose some more. Finlay yanks the hair and grabs the wrist again. Wristlock takeover from Finlay. Whip from corner-to-corner, Finlay misses a charge.

Regal with the butterfly suplex, even that hits hard. Two count. Regal forearms Finlay in the face, European uppercut, then Finlay takes him down by the arm again, toasting Regal’s shoulder.

Hard scoop slam from Finlay, then he just walks on his stomach, so Regal gets up and dropkicks Finlay from the middle rope out to the floor. Regal off the apron, caught in mid-air with a punch. Finlay stunguns Regal over the railing and throws him back in.

And here is Squire David Taylor in for the DQ, with Earl Robert Eaton behind him. Eaton and Taylor miscommunicate and Finlay escapes with the DQ win.

Rating: 4.5/5. Like five or so minutes of pure European violence, an excellent 90s B-show match and a great crash course in the Regal-Finlay wars. It’s on YouTube and it rules and will take you all of a few minutes to watch it so watch it.