LuFisto vs Mickie Knuckles (ICW NHB, 3-31-2023)

ICW No Holds Barred 44, Williamstown, NJ

Well, I do love LuFisto and Mickie, so this is new, I have IWTV again (lads, it may be popping off for a bit longer, I don’t know, I’m going with it), and this is on there and pretty new.


This is a death match, of course. Two legends and trailblazers on the women’s side of the form in North America, and two greats period. In my opinion. These two have met a few times before, but not since 2016, and LuFisto hasn’t been doing as much hardcore/death match stuff in recent years, but she’s back.

LuFisto is going simple with the gear here, no big outfit, can’t have that expensive shit getting all cut up. As for my further feelings on the white crop top and jorts, I prefer not to speak. If I speak, I am in big trouble.

They’re throwing heavy shots right off, hard chops. LuFisto wins that battle with an overhand chop, then lays another one in for kicks. First weapon used is a chair that pretty much rattles off of Mickie’s grill, not swung but run right into her.

I am pleased to say LuFisto has not missed a beat in the death match arena. She’s just violent. And Mickie is Mickie. I said this week in the Rina Yamashita vs Charli Evans post, basically all my favorite death match wrestlers are just really good brawlers in regular, non-hardcore settings, who happen to be willing to go that extra mile of bonkshit. And both LuFisto and Mickie have that. There are exceptions, guys like Nick Mondo and JC Bailey, who don’t quite fit my normal tastes with death matches, but that’s just because they were both wild daredevils with a certain je ne sais quoi.

LuFisto notably bleeds first, then grabs a couple chairs and wants to throw shots seated. “Sit your fat ass down!” And then they just whack each other in the jaw a bunch until they both fall over. LuFisto bleeding like a motherfucker here. Crimson mask already. Mickie headbutts! LuFisto kicks her in the ear as a response.

Just a fight. Just a good old-fashioned death match fight. Not wild about the finish but that’s probably more because I’m watching on video and not live in the building. This match doesn’t do any tricks, but it just jumps fights. If I gave quarter-point ratings I’d go a quarter-point higher but I don’t and life goes on. Again, 3/5 = “I liked it.” I know that’s insane in a world of “one star or five stars” for so many people.
