LuFisto vs Mickie Knuckles (ICW NHB, 3-31-2023)

ICW No Holds Barred 44, Williamstown, NJ

Well, I do love LuFisto and Mickie, so this is new, I have IWTV again (lads, it may be popping off for a bit longer, I don’t know, I’m going with it), and this is on there and pretty new.


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Mickie Knuckles vs Jimmy Lyon (H20, 4-17-2021)

H20 Misery Business, Williamstown, NJ

This is a “Good Housekeeping Death Match.” I have no background on it and have never seen Jimmy Lyon, I don’t think, or I have and don’t remember, but it has Mickie Knuckles so I’m automatically interested.

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Mickie Knuckles vs Dale Patricks (Flophouse, 1-4-2021)

Flophouse Private Stash #2, Indianapolis, IN

Here is another wrestling match, from a show, with Mickie Knuckles. I do know Dale Patricks a bit, never left a massive impression on me but that means neither good nor bad, really, and I also haven’t seen him a ton and he’s probably gotten better since the last time I did.

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Mickie Knuckles vs Rain (IWA MS, 6-18-2005)

IWA Mid-South A New Beginning, Hammond, IN

Another show I was at! I skipped over a bunch I was at also because guess what, it doesn’t matter and this is what I wanted to watch back all these years later. Hammond was where they tried to move the “A-town” to after getting kicked out of nearby Highland, but Hammond just never had the same energy, in all honesty.

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Mercedes Martinez vs Lacey vs Daizee Haze vs Mickie Knuckles vs MsChif vs Rain (IWA MS, 9-18-2004)

IWA Mid-South Ted Petty Invitational, Highland, IN

More night two, and yet MORE non-tournament action! This is also non-title, despite Martinez winning the IWA Mid-South/NWA Midwest women’s title from Lacey the night before.

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