Mickie Knuckles vs Jimmy Lyon (H20, 4-17-2021)

H20 Misery Business, Williamstown, NJ

This is a “Good Housekeeping Death Match.” I have no background on it and have never seen Jimmy Lyon, I don’t think, or I have and don’t remember, but it has Mickie Knuckles so I’m automatically interested.

There’s lots of household items strewn about, of course. And a laundry basket of weapons. Also Mickie brought a pair of battle axes. HEY! A gusset plate to Lyon’s forehead, and he’s already busted open pretty bad. Mickie with her brutal headbutts. Lyon trying to hold his own with that, but nah. That does not work out for him, and my man is bleeding like a motherfucker within a minute or so.

Knuckles takes the famed household item “a stop sign” to the head, and then a toaster which more fits the gimmick, and now there’s a mop with gusset plates tangled into it, and so obviously Knuckles is busted open. Lyon very creatively shouting “bitch” a lot. Lyon takes a plunger in the mouth and then gets hit in the head with a shovel or whatever (he was protected by some type plastic thing; “protected”).

Both are bleeding like hell already, which you’d kind of expect but even still. Lyon gets battered with a rubber chicken called “Cluck Hogan,” which is more embarrassing than big damage, but it doesn’t not hurt, I imagine. Mickie takes a gusset plate to the ass cheek, then gets a small ceramic pot busted on her skull.

Knuckles with some JYD headbutts, and now they trade the hard butts again. Lyon gets suplexed into some aluminum picket fence. HEY! It’s an ironing board with a bunch of plastic forks sticking up, and Lyon eats a pumphandle slam on that and gets brained with a water jug attached to the end of a bat for the Knuckles win. Respect shown after the match, which is the style of the style.

Nasty short fight, doesn’t take long to finish up, but it wastes no time getting to the violence and the blood. They know what you want and they deliver it fast and hard and all the way through. It’s so awesome to have Mickie back and legit, I think she’s better than ever. She’s a beast out there and has clearly fully gotten back into the groove, and I was impressed with Jimmy Lyon here, too. I’m no death match aficionado, I just like ’em when I like ’em, and I liked this.

Rating: 3.5/5