Mickie Knuckles vs Charlie Kruel (AWR, 10-18-2020)

AWR Revolution, Indianapolis, IN

Asylum Wrestling Revolution (yes the show is Asylum Wrestling Revolution Revolution, apparently) is an indie in Indianapolis. I do not know anything about Charlie Kruel! I am hesitant to bother here because the camera work and general production seems possibly quite bad!

This is a street fight for the vacant AWR women’s title. Charlie Kruel is, to sum it up in basic terms on first impression, yet another wrestler doing a spooky clown insane asylum gimmick. I get it. People like it.

This goes out to the floor pretty fast. Knuckles does the straddle headbutts. They go over to an old staircase in the Emerson Theater. They do the bit, at Kruel’s insistence, where they sit in chairs and trade shots. That’s obviously Mickie’s forte.

Kruel takes a power bomb into the apron, which looks great. Kruel comes back with some strike combo stuff and chops Mickie down. This is now turning into the street fight promised, and brother I am on board. Kruel tries but frankly struggles to get Mickie over on a fisherman buster on the metal ramp. But they do get through it, it just doesn’t have the speed you’d want.

Mickie is throwing these cool, sorta Memphis-style sidearm, swiping punches/slaps that I really dig. She is not doing so well charging corners in these recent matches, though, in IWA East Coast in July 2020 she lost to Skye Blue missing one, and here she crashes through a door.

Kruel brings a couple chairs into the ring to set up but one is already broken, so they’re gonna have to work with the one that’s not. They tease a couple moves through it but end up trading shots again. Mickie takes a drop toe-hold into it (well, not really, but the effect is about the same) and gets hit with knees while seated, and Kruel wins.

Camera work makes this a little tough to watch. Commentary is inconsistent between paying attention and just kinda not. I think Mickie looks better here than in the Skye Blue match I watched before, but Charlie Kruel isn’t as good as Skye Blue. Not that she’s bad or lacking spirit or whatever, but not as good, and this also just kinda feels like a series of things happening instead of anything cohesive.

Rating: 2/5