Cameron Grimes vs Kyle O’Reilly (NXT, 4-20-2021)

NXT, Orlando, FL

The NXT main event this week. They got into an argument at the top of the show, I don’t know, I breezed past that. It should be a good match.

Cameron Grimes is a WCW jobber who gets to work 15-minute matches. He is Dino Cassanova/The Gambler crossed with Barry Houston/Eddie Jackie but allowed to be competitive. (I am very familiar with his pre-NXT work. I am talking about the Grimes character and aesthetic, it is very much a ’90s WCW job guy deal, I am aware he is a good wrestler. A lot of them were, too!)

Joseph: “The businessman is still trying to get the IP of the Undisputed Era.”
Barrett: “If he’s interested in buying IP, I’ve got some old Corre IP I can sell to him. I’ll pay him to take it off my hands.”
Joseph: “Nobody wants that.”

Grimes works on O’Reilly’s damaged neck and is a little loud calling stuff and giving direction in holds. I’m a bit old to be caring so much about that anymore; it takes me out of the moment a bit, but whatever. How in the moment am I anymore ever? Not a lot, really.

A lot of the commentary here — which by the way is very good with Ranallo’s awful work removed — focuses on Barrett talking about O’Reilly trying to find that next level to be a true elite guy. O’Reilly had a pre-match staring moment backstage with Karrion Kross, so they’re at least designing him to move into that direction.

And if you know O’Reilly, you know he has that gear in the ring. If his mic work and whatnot is working well enough for THE BRASS, then obviously he’s going to be that guy in NXT, at least a serious contender who might get short title run(s).

These two trade some heavy, high-impact shots, as you’d expect. I love O’Reilly doing the rebound lariat but running it into Grimes’ cool flipping powerslam deal. Obviously Kyle does hit the lariat on a second try, then puts together the ax, the smash, and the brainbuster. This lad loves the 1989 WWF tag team division. O’Reilly finishes with a flying knee to the spine, which looks to be his thing now.

Good match, not super great, but the sort of thing that keeps Kyle O’Reilly moving forward as a new top guy.

Rating: 3.5/5