Scott Steiner vs Arn Anderson (NWA, 9-23-1990)

NWA Main Event, Gainesville, GA

After beating Bobby Eaton on the Power Hour and Ric Flair on World Championship Wrestling, Scott Steiner tries to complete the $15,000 gauntlet against Arn Anderson, who nearly cost him the Flair match.

Arn is TV champ but that’s not on the line. Missy Hyatt is on commentary with Jim Ross. They did not give Missy a pop filter.

These boys are trading sleepholds! Steiner gets the figure four on Anderson, really breaking out some new stuff to throw Anderson a curveball here. Steiner has some fatigue, too, having just wrestled Eaton and Flair on the weekend. (And in real life, this really was all recorded on the same show in Gainesville, he really did work three singles matches of substance on the one show.)

Steiner engages in letting it get dirty, dropping Arn on the guardrail outside. Back in he slams Arn into the turnbuckles over his shoulder for two. Anderson tries a piledriver, Scott backdrops him over, but Arn eventually gets a sunset flip and holds onto the ropes for the three count.

BUT WAIT! Referee Randy “Pee Wee” Anderson is in to tell Nick Patrick doins transpired, so the match gets restarted. Scott powerslams Anderson, gets two, and Ric Flair is down to pull Patrick out of the ring. That’s a DQ, so Scott Steiner has $15,000 and a completed gauntlet, plus wins over Bobby Eaton, Ric Flair, and Arn Anderson within two days. The Horsemen put some beating on Scott, but Rick runs in and chases them off before it gets too bad.

This one’s kinda flat. Crowd are pretty tired (I attended a ROH TV taping once, it was fun but TV tapings are brutal by the back end) and the match never kicks off into much. It’s cool story, but Steiner is gassed in there and the audience are with him.

Rating: 2/5