Arn Anderson vs Shane Douglas (NWA, 2-17-1990)

NWA World Championship Wrestling, Gainesville, GA

This is for Arn’s TV title. He’s back as a full heel after the Horsemen turned on Sting very predictably. Douglas is still half of the Dynamic Dudes, and a complete and utter fucking dork.

Jim Cornette is back on board as a Four Horsemen fan on commentary because they’re back to being purely bad dudes, no more puttering around with the Stinger. Fans, who recently have been very pro-Arn and Flair, are back to really hating him here, and giving Douglas their backing even though Douglas is a huge, huge goofball geek. Flair and Anderson had such reputation in the region that people really kinda did want to like them, so if they turned they turned easy, and if they turned back heel, they were hated, in part because they took the crowd’s desire to cheer them and turned it around.

An early atomic drop spot is blown by one or the other of them, I like Douglas a lot less so I’ll blame him but it’s 50/50. I mean he wasn’t an incompetent, even at this point he was really technically sound. Cornette really gives the residents of Ozark, Alabama, what’s for on commentary ahead of next Tuesday’s TV taping.

“The Rock” Ole Anderson gets involved ringside, posting Douglas’ shoulder. Arn has a target now, and he works on it. That’s Horseman style, baby! And more specifically, it’s Anderson style. Arn just torturing Douglas, dominating the match from the point of the Ole interference. Nothing flashy, but good selling from Douglas, Arn’s usual great work, and the crowd are into it.

You’ve heard a lot of wrestling commentary where it’s, like, “This handsome young hero will not quit but boy is he getting his ass beaten in.” Here’s one where the referee actually just steps in and stops it because it’s too one-sided. Anderson is dominating Douglas and putting his shoulder in long-term danger so Pee Wee Anderson calls it off. Douglas left the NWA a couple months later. Arn continues the attack and the Steiners run in for the save, sending the Andersons into retreat. Horsemen don’t fight even odds if they can help it.

It’s a good, solid TV title match, Douglas gives the big effort and is doing quite well early on, then you get the Ole interference and he can never get back in it. The referee stoppage is good, an unusual sort of finish that puts over how ruthless Arn has been.

Rating: 3/5