Chris Jericho vs William Regal (WWF, 4-1-2001)

WWF WrestleMania X-Seven, Houston, TX

Watching WrestleMania X-Seven with the lads on Twitter. Figure what the hell, why not throw some stuff up here, too? The only match I’ve done for this blog from this show was Undertaker-HHH, so let’s roll. I won’t do all of them — I’m not going to rush myself to get a post up on Tazz & The APA vs Right to Censor or Chyna vs Ivory, for instance — but the halfway notable stuff.

This is one of those matches that is pretty good but pretty forgettable that people who liked it and did remember it (dorks) will constantly claim was SOOO underrated. I say this because I was one of them for a long time. And Regal had a lot of matches like this; he was/is truly great, but he rarely got the chance to work to his true full ability. It was never his role to go out and have epics.

This is a good, physical match from both guys. Jericho shoots too far on a slingshot plancha to the floor early, but you can watch Regal’s chest redden up quickly. They cut a nice pace, because they aren’t getting a lot of time. Jericho tries for the Walls of Jericho, Regal gets the Regal Stretch instead, but Jericho manages to get out and hit the Lionsault to win.

The match is fine. Short and physical, a standard Regal TV match against a good opponent.

Rating: 3/5