Owen Hart vs Steve Austin (WWF, 11-9-1997)

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WWF Survivor Series, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

This is a rematch from SummerSlam ’97, where Austin beat Owen to win the IC title, but had his neck broken in the process. After Austin had to vacate the IC belt, Owen won it back in a tournament, with Austin’s help, as Austin said he wanted to beat Owen for it when he came back, and not anybody else.

Austin’s not really in ring condition at this point but he was too hot to stay sidelined at the moment, so he came back light, basically. Austin gets a mixed sort of reaction in Canada, but he’s not quite the heel he was in Calgary in July, either.

Hart has Team Canada (Davey Boy, Neidhart, Furnas & Lafon) in his corner. They beat Team USA earlier in the night, with Smith the sole survivor. Owen’s entrance is drawn out to fill time and make this match seem longer than it can be once the bell rings.

Owen throws his Owen 3:16 shirt at Austin, who tears it up. Neidhart comes into the ring behind Austin and gets a stunner, but that gives Owen the chance to jump on Austin as the bell sounds. Austin turns things around in the corner and lands some rights, then gets sent off the ropes. Owen sets for a piledriver, but Austin backdrops him over. The whole story here is Owen wants to piledrive Austin and cripple him for good.

Austin’s knee gets wrapped around the ring post. Austin kicks Owen away. Team Canada are gone, and Owen’s trying to leave, so Austin chases him down and clotheslines him in the back. Austin walks Hart back to ringside, and throws him into the ring.

Back out to the floor on the other side, and Owen goes low to slow Austin’s roll. Austin gets rammed into the broken Spanish commentary desk. Hart chokes Austin with some cable. Owen being aggressively warned, but he doesn’t care. “Disqualify me, then!” Owen releases the choke, then goes over and rings the bell himself, but it’s not official.

Back into the ring, Owen with some stomps and a boot choke in the corner. Hart with some shots to the ribs now. Austin goes to the eyes. He comes back with the mudhole stompin’, then goes for a tilt-a-whirl, Owen lands on his feet, and Austin hits the stunner for the win. Furnas and Lafon run in and get stunners, too.

Rating: 2/5. It’s a cautious four minute match, full of smoke and mirrors, but a big win for Austin, re-crowning him as IC champion heading into 1998, which turned out to be his full breakthrough year after knocking on the door hard in ’96 and starting to kick it in in ’97.