The Sandman vs Pogo the Clown (XPW, 8-31-2002)

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XPW Hostile Takeover, Philadelphia, PA

This is a request via Ko-fi. Sandman is a surprise at the former ECW Arena, and Pogo jumps him in the entrance aisle.

Hey, a bell rings, it’s a match. Pogo dominating Sandman to start the match, Sandman going down on forearms to the back. Sandman off he ropes, big back elbow from Pogo. “You fat fuck” chant for Pogo.

Another shot to the back. Another shot to the back. Delayed vertical suplex from Pogo. Sandman up in the corner. Pogo takes off from the other side but misses his charge and shoulders the post.

Sandman coming back with a lazy left hands, whip to the corner is reversed and Pogo squooshes Sandman in the corner. Clothesline from Pogo. “Suck my fuckin’ dick!”

Pogo going up top, but Sandman cuts him off. Pogo knocks him away and then CRUUUUUUSHES him with a splash. Pogo even drinks Sandman’s beer. Philly is not appreciative of Pogo. Another “you fat fuck” chant.

He goes outside the ring and walks around some to engage the crowd and blow snot. “Look at that fuckin’ piece of shit! Look at that fuckin’ piece of shit! Fuck you motherfuckers! Fucking die! Fucking die!!!”

And then Pogo just … leaves. Sandman rolling around clutching his ribs. Apparently this is a no contest. Sandman’s wife comes to the ring, I wonder if Rhino will spear her or whatever. She runs to the back, then comes back with a beer can. She pours the beer into his mouth and he springs back to life. They embrace. Sandman gets walked out by his wife.

Rating: 2/5. I mean it wasn’t unentertaining. It wasn’t boring. A big fat man demolished the Sandman for a few minutes then shouted a bunch of cusses. And it served to say, “Hey, this isn’t ECW here anymore. This is new. This is who WE have.”