Tarzan Goto & Mr. Gannosuke vs Keisuke Yamada & Shoji Nakamaki (IWA Japan, 8-21-1995)

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IWA Japan, somewhere in Japan

This is a request via Ko-fi. It’s the other bath house death match.

Gannosuke and Nakamaki start in the tubs, Goto and Yamada on the mat. Goto rides Yamada to start. Some real grapplefuck here. Hey, it’s a Fujiwara armbar in the bath house death match. Nakamaki has seen enough and he rushes over. I think that’s a yellow card. I don’t know. Does it matter?

Goto with a headscissors. Yamada gets out into a front facelock, and Goto counters that and rolls him over for the three count. Now we have to do the dunking. NAKED WOMEN! WOO! I LOVE IT! The dunking doesn’t last long. Naked ladies scurry about. Goto and Yamada both in the tub, but Yamada won’t stay down for a five count. Hey it’s the furnace room. MORE WOOD.

Back to the mat for Goto and Yamada. Goto hiting him with baskets now, just hurling them at Yamada repeatedly. Then some bit of leather or the like, whipping him but good. We go to Gannosuke and Nakamaki, shouting things from the tubs.

Yamada crawling for a tag, he gets it, and Nakamaki is in with Goto, who still has the leather and hits Nakamaki on the face a bunch. Goto tags Gannosuke and hands off the weapon. A plastic bowl is smacked over Gannosuke’s head, then they get to the mat and Nakamaki hits a DDT for two.

Gannosuke back in control, though. Backdrop driver from Gannosuke! Three count. LET’S GO SEE SOME NAKED PEOPLE. Hey now we’re going outside! Hey let’s check in on the furnace room. More wood!

Gannosuke and Nakamaki are fighting outside but let’s see what Goto is doing in the tub. Chillin’. Hangin’ hard. Splashing Yamada. Wow this is really an extended splashing scene. YELLOW CARDS!

Back to the mat with Gannosuke and Nakamaki. Snapmare from Gannosuke into a chinlock. Goto walks over and spits on Nakamaki. Nakamaki with an STF on Gannosuke. Oop, back to the tubs. Goto trying to drown Nakamaki. Hey more naked women. Back to the mat and Goto gets an inside cradle for a three count.

NOW LET’S GO SEE MORE NEKKIDS. Alright. Nakamaki keeps getting out of the water at three. MORE WOOD. MORE WOOD. Something leads to another yellow card. Oh, it’s Yamada leaving his tub. Now he’s getting dunked in that naked room. Here comes Nakamaki!

Back to the mat for Goto and Nakamaki, then Gannosuke gets a tag and I think Yamada did, too. The host in the yellow vest gets thrown in the tub. Everyone’s in the tub. It’s a real tub party now.

OK back to the mat and Gannosuke hits Yamada with a piledriver for, I guess, a full three count. Sure why not. NAKED PEOPLE! Bowl battle. Back to the other tubs and Goto and Nakamaki are splashing away. NAKED PEOPLE! Yamada gets thrown on the floor. NAKED PEOPLE! Now back to the other tubs. Goto tags in.



Nakamaki and Gannosuke are boiling alive in the very hot tub. nAKED PEOPLE! Goto goes to dunk Yamada. Wait no he’s shampooing his hair and back. Then he washes him off. a naked lady stays in the corner of the tub.

Now they’re going into a back room Apparently that surface is very hot. Yes. It is hot. Gannosuke throws the vest host back in the tub for another yellow card. Goto has a single crab on Yamada, and Gannosuke helps out with a camel clutch. Nakamaki is dying in the tub. Goto officially tags Gannosuke back in.

Yamada is hit with a suplex on the mat for two. Then Yamada hits an enzuigiri, and climbs up onto some shit and jumps off, missing a diving headbutt. Gannosuke tags Goto back in. Yamada wans to tag but Nakamaki is maybe 30% alive.

Goto with a couple front layout piledriver type moves and a three count. Now he’s got some steps and hits Yamada on the ass with them. NAKED PEOPLE? No, first, we see superimposed fire over Gannosuke and Nakamaki as they die in the very hot tubs.

Finally the match ends when Yamada is drowned for five seconds. Then he gets his face put in the ass of a naked woman. Nakamaki appears to be vomiting while a sensual blues riff plays. NAKED PEOPLE!

Rating: 1.5/5. I mean it’s better than the other one.