Hulk Hogan vs Typhoon (WWF, 12-2-1991)

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WWF, Corpus Christi, TX

This is on the Invasion ’92 Coliseum Video. When Typhoon was Tugboat, he was great pals with the Hulkster. But no more! This is at a Wrestling Challenge taping the night before the This Tuesday in Texas pay-per-view, where Hogan regained the WWF title from Undertaker before being stripped.

Hogan motions that he’ll be getting his belt back soon. Typhoon don’t care none. Weak C&E to start, Typhoon barely shoves Hogan and Hogan flies back into the corner. They do that again. Hogan yells at the referee for something, then jabbers to the crowd.

C&E again, this time Hogan shoves Typhoon back into the corner. Hogan flexes and calls Typhoon on. Typhoon runs at Hogan, Hogan side steps and lands some punches in the corner. Then he climbs the second turnbuckle and unloads more punches. Kick to the gut, two weak eye rakes as Hogan bellows, “Former friend! Former friend!” Hogan with overhand rights, off the ropes, a running punch. Jimmy Hart gets on the apron and gets punched, too.

Kick to the gut from Hogan, eye rake again, off the rope with a clothesline. Typhoon doesn’t fall. Doesn’t fall on another either. Hart distracts Hogan again and Typhoon takes advantage. Hogan flies into the corner comically on a whip, then to the other side, same thing. Typhoon with a boot choke. Break, back to the choke. “I got your Hulkamania!”

Bearhug from Typhoon, I hear that’s the worst move in wrestling. Hogan turns his body to the side but still in the hold. Hogan back belly-to-belly with ‘PHOON. Hogan’s arm drops once, twice, but not thrice! Hogan with rapid fire right hands in a side headlock, but he hits the ropes and runs into Typhoon. Hogan falls. You wouldn’t really call it a bump. Typhoon with an avalanche in the corner, cover, two.

HOGAN IS HULKING UP. That’s all it’s gonna take in this match. Hogan shakes off the right hands and Hogan stomps around the ring shaking his bald ass head. Right blocked. Right hand, right hand, right hand. Off the ropes, big foot. Off the ropes, legdrop. That’ll do ‘er.

Rating: 1.5/5. LMAO Hogan didn’t give a fuck about this match. It harmlessly sucks and is even kinda funny to watch Hogan just plain quarter-assing it and Typhoon happily along for the easy work ride.