Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch (NXT, 5-20-2015)

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NXT TakeOver: Unstoppable, Winter Park, FL

This is a request via Ko-fi. Sasha and Becky had formed an alliance in recent months, which predictably broke apart at the first real test. Becky won a three-way match to become No. 1 contender and then they brawled at a contract signing, all the normal stuff. This got the WUMWUMWUMWUMWUMWUMWUM music, too, which is cool, and is the debut of Steampunk Becky. This is for Banks’ NXT championship.

C&E start, Becky backed into the corner and Sasha roughs her up immediately. Lynch out with a hammerlock, shoved off, drop toehold from Lynch and a rollthrough for a crucifix, two count. Quick pin trade sees both get near falls. Fighting over a backslide, nobody goes.

Lynch with a sunset flip pin, two. Arm wringer from Lynch. Banks slams her down to the mat, Lynch hits the back of her head. Lynch over a drop down, leg trip on a leapfrog, and Becky goes for the armbar. Sasha gets away and scurries to the ropes. Lynch lets her know she was thisclose.

Lynch with a beautiful couple of quick armdrags, Banks backs her to the corner again and takes a shot with the forearm. Lynch back with a springboard side kick, sending Banks to the apron. Lynch goes for a quick there, foot caught, and Lynch’s face slammed off the apron with an arm wringer takedown!

Back in the ring, Banks pins for two. Lynch placed through the middle and top rope, Banks mocks her and then grabs an armbar for a moment. Banks mocks Lynch again with the Rock n’ Roll Horns and hair swing. Quick pin from Lynch, two, but Sasha takes her down by the arm again, gets a two count of her own.

Byron Saxton expresses shock that Sasha Banks has said she’s better than The Fabulous Moolah. Byron has never seen Moolah wrestle.

Banks working a straitjacket choke, really violently grinding away on it and smashing Lynch’s elbows into the mat for a moment. Lynch backs it to the corner, Banks hangs on. Again, same thing. Third time and Banks side steps and makes Becky drive herself into the corner.

Lynch with an elbow, feet caught, and Banks drives the knees over the arm in the corner. Side headlock from Banks, shoulders down, two count. “Sasha’s ratchet” “no she’s not!” chant duel. Banks continues to work the arm, bending it in grotesque ways. Banks pins again, two count.

Banks staying on the arm, total focus there. Lynch stands it up, but sent right back down. Banks dominating right now with the arm work, just torturing Lynch. Lynch has stepped up and so far is failing. Becky finally uses her power, picks Sasha up in the armbar, and slams her down to break the hold. “This is wrestling” chant.

Banks up first, but Lynch with a forearm, ducks a clothesline, clothesline and a side heel kick of her own. Banks in the corner, Lynch runs in, dumped to the apron. Lynch up top, missile dropkick!

Lynch going after the arm of Banks now. Banks springs off the corner with an armdrag takeover, and then running knees in the corner! Cover, two. Cover again, two. Banks remaining in control. Banks talks some mess, slaps Lynch in the face, backslide reversed, Banks goes for a tilt-a-whirl, goes for the arm. Banks knocked out to the floor, and Lynch follows.

Forearms from Lynch, then she pulls Sasha’s shoulder into the ringpost. Banks rolled back into the ring. Hammerlock suplex from Lynch! Lynch makes Rock n’ Roll Horns for no real reason, which was a thing she did at the time, then drops a leg down on the arm and works to hyperextend the elbow. Arm trap German from Becky! Two count!

Becky rolls a suplex, goes for the arm, and HAS THE ARMBAR! Banks reaching desperately for the ropes, struggles over, and gets the rope with her hand, and her foot for good measure to make sure the hold is broken. “This is awesome” chant.

Lynch stalks in, but gets dumped to the floor. Sasha gets a moment to recover. Banks with a dive to the floor, Lynch tries to catch her but doesn’t, but that’s what they’re gong with. Sasha driven into the ring steps, back-first.

Lynch goes to the top, Banks catches her and brings her down, Banks Statement locked on and Lynch is forced to tap out!

Rating: 4.5/5. I remember liking this somewhat more live and in the moment, but it’s a great match on a rewatch, too, and I’m going to stick with the rating I’d have given it live, after debating between 4 and 4.5. When in doubt, I want to go positive. The arm work from both is strong and fast-paced, not the old methodical Anderson-style limb work, and they wind up in a real war of attrition situation, and a pretty exciting one, at that. This is still Lynch’s best match and greatest moment, really, even in defeat, and a big, somewhat underrated part of Banks’ legacy, too.