Killian Dain vs Lars Sullivan (NXT, 4-18-2018)


NXT, Winter Park, FL

A no-disqualification match between a coupla big boys.

Dain with a headbutt to start, then some forearms. Sullivan drives Dain into the corner. Forearm again from Dain, and again. Clothesline sends Sullivan to the floor, where he lands on his feet and pulls Dain out by the feet. Trading big shots, Dain getting the better of it early.

Knees to the body from Sullivan, whip to the steps is reversed and Lars eats the steel. Dain back in and out with a tope suicida, but Lars catches him and smashes him into the ringpost, then hits a vertical suplex on the floor. Both men down, Lars back up. Sullivan sends Dain back into the ring and follows him in.

Crossface shots from Sullivan. Sullivan with a deadlift, then Germans Dain over. Sullivan going to the top with Dain on the floor, and hits a dive. Dain’s nose bleeding. Sullivan sends Dain back in again, goes to the second rope and hits a diving headbutt for two.

Sullivan back out to the floor, goes under the ring and tosses a couple chairs into the ring. Three to be exact. Crowd chants for tables. Sullivan into the ring, has a chair, and hits Dain in the gut, then uses the legs to choke Dain in the corner. Sullivan hits a corner, Dain follows him with a dropkick. Both big fellers down.

Big forearm from Dain, one back from Sullivan. They continue to trade forearms, and Dain gets the better of it for a moment. Dain ducks a forearm, then hits the Belfast Blitz combo. Vader Bomb! Two count.

Dain goes out and finds a table, to the delight of the crowd. Dain back in and drives a chair into Sullivan’s back quickly before setting up the table leaning in the corner. Dain with another chair, whacks Sullivan across the back.

Dain looks to toss Sullivan through the table, but Sullivan blocks and slams Dain. Sullivan places a chair on Dain’s chest and climbs to the top again. Sullivan leaps with another diving headbutt, this time Dain moves and Sullivan hits the chair. Dain in the corner, setting to charge, and does, but he gets caught in mid-air and powerslammed down. One count is all he gets.

Pump kick from Dain, then the big Divide sends them both through the table. Dain goes up top after a moment, but Sullivan grabs a chair and comes over. Dain punches the chair, sending it into Lars’ face. Dain off the turnbuckles but takes a chair to the midsection. Freak Accident onto the chairs! Lars wins.

Rating: 3/5. I hoped I would get more out of this, but I didn’t. I’ve really never gotten a lot out of Dain in particular, either in the indies or NXT. And I think Sullivan might have the higher ceiling, but it’s not that high a ceiling. I don’t know; a lot of these HOSS FIGHT things sound better than they really wind up being. These boys ain’t exactly Terry Gordy. But that’s a lot of bitching to say that I liked the match just fine, just not more than “just fine.”