Ethan Page vs Pierre Carl Ouellet (BLP, 1-14-2018)

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BLP We’re Not the Mounties, Crown Point, IN

This is the match that put PCO back on the map at age 50, a lil’ ol’ show in northwest Indiana that led to PCO being booked against WALTER, and now in demand as an attraction.

C&E start, PCO backs it to the corner and breaks. Page talks some, PCO flexes. Back to the C&E, to another corner, Page in the lead this time. Clean break and some posing from Ego. Another C&E, wristlock from Page, PCO rolls through and takes Page down. Legdrop to the arm.

PCO takes Page over with a double wristlock, Page gets the ropes and goes to the floor. One guy tries an early “you still got it” and it doesn’t catch on at all. Page back in, he throws a knee and an elbow instead of locking up again. Punch from Page, Page off the ropes, hiptoss and a cross armbreaker from Pierre.

Page out of that, into a corner, but Pierre follows with a shot. Page with a clothesline in the other corner, PCO with a clothesline in the OTHER other corner, and then a DDT from Pierre for two. PCO with a snapmare, kick to the spine. Off the ropes, dropkick to the back of the head from PCO.

Chinbreaker from Ouellet. Fireman’s carry, Page slips out and does a schoolboy trip and a DDT for two. Page up top, Pierre stops him with a punch to the stomach and a chop to the chest. More shots from PCO with Page sitting on the top turnbuckle. Pierre up top now — Frankensteiner! Page rolls out to the floor, where he’s prone for a tope suicida from PCO!

The fight stays on the floor. PCO rams Page into a steel beam at the entrance, then hits him with a trash can. Right hand from Page, chop from PCO, right from Page, more shots from Page. Headbutt from Page. This has devolved into a pure brawl. Page sent into the wall.

PCO finds a section of guardrail and drags it to the ring, leaning it against the apron. They fight back to that area, and Pierre is the one who winds up crashing onto the guardrail via backdrop. And then a second. Page swings back into the ring with the cutter and gets two.

Forearm from Page. Off the ropes, PCO again with a fireman’s carry and the Finlay roll hits this time. Two count there. Pierre sets for perhaps another Frankensteiner in the corner, but Page hits a power bomb instead and yells at PCO about Montreal not being Canada. Page off the ropes, he runs into a pop-up power bomb, then hits a package piledriver. PCO up top, he hits a swanton bomb. And that’s the win! Well you certainly can’t argue with the combo of a pop-up power bomb, package piledriver, and 260-pound swanton being a finish.

Rating: 3.5/5. This was brilliantly entertaining. Page has proven at BLP that he can be relied upon to work well with aging stars (Manny Fernandez, Ernest Miller before this), but PCO tries his best not to wrestle like an old man, too. He’s still clearly got something left in his body and he’s using it in the wrestling ring. Who knows how long this PCO thing will last, really, but you can see here it got started with something more than just pure novelty. You can tell his age in some ways, but the effort is real and so are the results.

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