Jeff Cobb vs Joe Gacy (CZW, 4-7-2018)


CZW Welcome to the Combat Zone, New Orleans, LA

Gacy’s a guy I usually like when I see him, and Cobb is generally a good time, including his WrestleCon SuperShow banger with Ishii, so I’m up for this here, could be a good fight.

Lockup, Gacy with an arm wringer, Cobb backs it to the ropes and gives a clean break. Lockup again, Gacy with a go-behind and stands up with a waistlock, trying to bring Cobb to the mat, but Cobb spins back and turns it around. Trip from Gacy, traps the arm in a front facelock. Cobb using his amateur experience to escape everything Gacy wants to do, then deadlifts and tosses him. Joe Gacy’s a fairly big boy.

Kneelift from Gacy on another lockup, then a right hand. Forearm from Gacy as the commentary discusses Gacy’s wAcKy Jared Leto joker personality. Off the ropes, dropkick from Gacy.

Cobb and Gacy just stop wrestling so they can talk and do strikes. I mean, I’m cool with it. Gacy starts it. Cobb ends it with a sneaky punch to the jaw. Pumphandle throw from Cobb. More strike exchanging, slow and deliberate, back-and-forth. Gacy wins that one with a sneaky pump kick.

Cobb reverses a whip to the corner, runs into a boot. Gacy to the second rope, Cobb stops him with a dropkick. Cobb up to the second rope with him, and hits the superplex. Gets two.

Cobb tries to send Gacy to the floor, but it goes the other way. Boot from Gacy, then hits the tope suicida, which the camera crew miss the fuck out of, bless their hearts. Fighting on the floor. Gacy runs Cobb’s head into the ringpost. Big headubtt from Gacy, then hits the big running cannonball onto Cobb, seated in a chair against the guardrail. Gacy’s turning this into the streetfight he wants/needs.

Back in, Gacy with a neckbreaker and a kick to the back of the head for two. Big rights from Gacy, Cobb ducks one and hits a German for two. Gacy misses the shit out of a springboard forearm but it’s sold anyway, so let’s go with it for fun. Two count.

Cobb hits a spinning throw, spinebuster when Gacy gets up. Cobb with the standing moonsault, the standing shooting star misses, Gacy hits a big knee, gets a deep pin, and wins.

Rating: 3/5. Solid enough, a little deliberate in spots, but fun enough to watch and forget about sooner than later.