WALTER vs Pierre Carl Ouellet (GCW, 4-6-2018)


GCW Joey Janela’s Spring Break 2, Kenner, LA


Let’s see what young rising star PCO has. Might make it to the Fed someday. Tim Thatcher is in WALTER’s corner. WALTER takes the mic and “gives PCO a last chance” to leave, because he appreciates what he’s done for the business. This is that sincere dickhead thing I love to see in wrestling. PCO tells him to suck it.

WALTER goes for a chop, PCO catches the hand and just throws it away. WALTER still doesn’t seem fully committed. Then he does, pouncing PCO pretty good in the center of the ring.

CHOP. CHOP. PCO chops back. CHOP ducked, PCO chop, chop ducked, WALTER with a clumsy back elbow. Scoop and a slam from WALTER.

Tracy Williams: “Aw no he’s gonna sit on ‘im. He did it.”

These chops are great from WALTER but PCO trained by taking frying pan shots to the chest, so. WALTER choking PCO over the second rope.

Tracy Williams: “Whoa. Some karate outta PCO.”

PCO with round kicks to the chest on the floor, WALTER goes down. PCO drags a table out from under the ring. WALTER turns the tide before it can be used, but it’s set up ringside.

WALTER on the apron, arguing with referee, PCO comes over to try and power bomb him through that table. WALTER blocks and kicks PCO in the side of the head. Back to the floor, WALTER with another chop. PCO sent into the steps.

WALTER misses a chop, so he hits the ringpost, and hits it hard. PCO using the post as a weapon against WALTER’s choppin’ hand.

PCO up top, and he comes up a ….. bit short on a moonsault to the floor, pretty much wiping himself out. WALTER checks on him. Referee got drilled more than WALTER did. WALTER with a chop, head into the steps.

And here comes the table. WALTER moves it over to another side of the ring. Apparently his hand is fine despite that work on his hand. Anyway, more chops and a power bomb through the table.

They go back into the ring and WALTER is going for a pin, Bryce Remsburg runs in to take over as referee. The first referee is out of it at ringside.

WALTER chops PCO down, he wants PCO to quit and tells Remsburg to check on him. Boot to the head. WALTER misses Bloodsport. Chop. Chop. These chops are waking PCO up. He drops his straps and invites the chops.

WALTER lays in a bunch, PCO starts throwing back, and they are KILLING each other, MY GOD. PCO wins the chop exchange! PCO unloading in the corner. WALTER FIRES BACK WITH CHOPS! PCO’S CHEST HAS GONE BLACK. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.

PCO WITH A SUICIDE DIVE. My GOD this match is wild.

Back in and WALTER is sat up top, PCO with more chops, and now he’s … going up top. PCO with a top rope Frankensteiner. What in the fuck. Two count.

WALTER back with a big German where PCO turns himself inside out and bumps on his stomach.

WALTER looks for the power bomb, PCO counters by lifting the big man up on his shoulders, and hits the Finlay roll, then a split legged moonsault. The crowd comes to its feet after the two count.

PCO going to the top again. WALTER finds him and chops him still. He climbs up toward PCO, PCO chops him down and WALTER is down again. PCO with a swanton bomb! ONE, TWO, THREE! THE VETERAN WINS IT!

After the match, they chop each other one more time, WALTER extends the hand, and PCO shakes it.

Rating: 4/5. This was incredible. It’s the best “old guy” match you’ll see in 2018, unless PCO beats it. He is legit crazy and outta control in the ring, and it rules. WALTER was great again, he’s had a hell of a weekend and this was his best and most compelling match.

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