Brian Kendrick & Paul London vs William Regal & Dave Taylor vs MNM vs The Hardys (WWE, 12-17-2006)

WWE Armageddon, Richmond, VA

This is meant to be London and Kendrick defending against Taylor and Regal straight up, but Smackdown GM Teddy Long is on fire here at Armageddon, so he makes it a ladder match, which means some playas have to get some ladders out here. This heavily favors London and Kendrick, of course, while a straight match gave Taylor and Regal a great chance at taking the belts.

But Teddy has more. Hey, MNM are in the match! They’re the team London and Kendrick beat for the belts months back. They’d been split with Mercury on Smackdown and Nitro on Raw, but here they are! Hey, the Hardys are in the match! They go under the ladder because they don’t give a F about nothin!

This is an infamous match, of course.

(Requests open and tips always appreciated!)

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Christian & Edge vs Hardy Boyz vs Dudley Boyz (WWF, 8-27-2000)

WWF SummerSlam, Raleigh, NC

A request! At WrestleMania 2000 in April:

  • Edge & Christian (or Christian & Edge) and the Hardys and Dudleys had a big triangle ladder match for the WWF tag titles
  • Triple H and The Rock were in a four-way with Mick Foley and Big Show for the WWF title
  • Chrises Benoit and Jericho were in a two-fall three-way with Kurt Angle for the Intercontinental and European titles

At SummerSlam 2000 in August:

  • The same three teams up the stakes with this, the first TLC match for the WWF tag belts
  • The Rock and Triple H are still warring, with Kurt Angle now joining them in a three-way for the WWF title (in many ways, it was really The Rock and his belt as the middle-man of a HHH-Angle feud)
  • Chrises Benoit and Jericho are in a two-out-of-three falls match for the Intercontinental title.

So not a ton changed in ~five months on paper in one way, but a lot was happening. In the in-between, Undertaker returned as another redneck asskicker, and there was the the Fully Loaded show in July where they had Rising Stars take on Established Top Guys, and the rising stars went 0-for-3: Undertaker beat Angle, HHH beat Jericho in a Last Man Standing, and Rock beat Benoit in a no DQ. Two of the matches were pretty great, but I remember at the time SO many Netcop-y nerds being truly disgusted that none of those guys won, having mistaken “it’s a triple main event!” for “we really think it’s time for new leaders on the show” instead of “we are still not 100 percent confident these guys can headline.”

(Requests open and tips always appreciated!)

Obviously, eventually all of Angle, Jericho, and Benoit won The Big One. Angle happened at No Mercy in October, Jericho at the end of 2001 when the ill-fated Invasion angle had wrapped, and then Benoit in 2004.

Anyway, we’re here to talk about TLC.

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Dudley Boyz vs Hardy Boyz vs Christian & Edge (WWF, 4-2-2000)

WWF WrestleMania 2000, Anaheim, CA

A request! The final move prior to TLC. We had the Hardys and Edge & Christian in a ladder match at No Mercy ’99. We had the Dudleys and Hardys in a tables match at the 2000 Rumble. And now this, a triangle ladder match at WrestleMania with the Dudleys defending the WWF tag belts against the Hardys and Edge & Christian.

WrestleMania 2000 was bad. Also, I remember they did the “WrestleMania All Day” thing that was day-long live coverage on your PPV channel of the event, and I recall my friend’s dad remarking that this was “too much.” He was correct.

(Requests open and tips always appreciated!)

Continue reading “Dudley Boyz vs Hardy Boyz vs Christian & Edge (WWF, 4-2-2000)”

Hardy Boyz vs Dudley Boyz (WWF, 1-23-2000)

WWF Royal Rumble, New York, NY

A request! The Dudleys had entered the WWF in Aug. ’99, not long before the big ladder match at No Mercy between the Hardys and Christian & Edge, and after that hit the way it did, the Dudleys got into that mix not long after, bringing a crucial third heat to the situation.

On the Raw prior to the Rumble, the Dudleys did tables at the Hardys. On the Smackdown prior, the Hardys did tables at the Dudleys. And now we are here: A TABLES MATCH!

(Requests open and tips always appreciated!)

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Matt & Jeff Hardy vs Christian & Edge (WWF, 10-17-1999)

WWF No Mercy, Cleveland, OH

A request! About to be chock full of these bad boys. Thank you very much!

This is the last match of a best of five between Edge and Christian and the “New Brood,” Matt and Jeff Hardy, who had replaced the former duo in The Brood in August, having ditched Michael “P.S.” Hayes as a manager to unite with Gangrel after Gangrel turned on Edge, but then Christian sided with Edge. It was a whole ordeal.

This best of five is actually to procure the managerial services of Terri Runnels — it’s the Terri Invitational Tournament, or T.I.T.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha!!!!!!!!!! — and $100,000 in a sack hanging from the ceiling.

(Requests open and tips always appreciated!)

Continue reading “Matt & Jeff Hardy vs Christian & Edge (WWF, 10-17-1999)”

PPV REVIEW: AEW Double or Nothing 2022 (5-29-2022)

I’m in a very cautious budgeting period of my normally reckless, freestyle way of life but I really wanted to watch this pay-per-view program live, so I went the crowdsourcing route via Ko-fi. It worked! And I actually did use the money to buy the show instead of sneaking away with it and stealing a pirate stream, which I do know how to do, despite everyone on the internet assuming you don’t know how if you suggest you’re willing to pay for something.

Also, I note nobody asked for any match reviews or anything, but I’d have a feeling of some type shame or the like if I didn’t do anything to even kinda feel like I’d earned this great payday, so I’m going to dust off the ol’ PPV-reviewing gloves and do a proper PPV review for the first time since probably, like, 2014.

This is a match review blog by design, but also it is a stupid fucking blog intermittently given attention by an aging idiot, so this will just exist. Who knows? Maybe more of this will happen. I do actually believe that there is value in how matches seem in the context of their entire show, but also in how matches seem in a vacuum. So in other words I have no opinion about reviewing wrestling other than most people should stop it. Not me, though.

Anyway, let’s go, motherfuckers.

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