AEW Dynasty (4-21-2024)

LIVE from St. Louis, it’s AEW Dynasty! You only get so many chances to watch a first-ever wrestling event. One, really. If you’re alive and stuff.

Let’s go! SPOILER: Arguably the greatest match on American soil ever happened on this show, and Chris Jericho has done it again!!

(Requests open and tips always appreciated!)

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Chris Jericho vs Dean Malenko (WCW, 5-17-1998)

WCW Slamboree, Worcester, MA

A request! The request was for the full Thing here, which includes the Cruiserweight Battle Royal, meant to determine an immediate No. 1 contender for Chris Jericho’s WCW cruiserweight title. I thought about doing two separate posts, but then I thought, you know, it’s an eight-minute battle royal and the point of it is that it leads immediately into the follow-up match.

So I’ve decided to combine them!

(Requests open and tips always appreciated!)

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Triple H vs Rob Van Dam vs Shawn Michaels vs Kane vs Booker T vs Chris Jericho (WWE, 11-17-2002)

WWE Survivor Series, New York, NY

A request! I loved this match. The first-ever Elimination Chamber, with Triple H defending the “world heavyweight championship” against the other five lads in this NEW demonic structure.

I used to have this show on DVD; it was right before I started being able to buy PPVs monthly, so I didn’t see it live. I sold that DVD at some point. Now, as I am older and back to collecting DVDs, I kinda wish I had it, even if I haven’t really beefed up my wrestling DVD collection, because it’s an expensive habit to catch up over so many years. Ah, well. ANYWAYS,

(Requests open and tips always appreciated!)

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Team USA vs The Multinational Alliance (WWE, 7-4-2016)

WWE RAW, Columbus, OH

A request! A match I’d totally forgotten about, but I did remember the food fight that opened the Independence Day Raw as soon as I saw Kevin Owens sitting at a table, before it all broke down, because I instantly remembered him calmly crawling under a table with a bag of Lay’s to ride out the storm. It was actually a really fun WWE goofy segment that they, as always, wound up taking one extra beat too far for it to hit as well as it could have.

(Requests open and tips always appreciated!)

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CM Punk vs Chris Jericho (WWE, 4-29-2012)

WWE Extreme Rules, Rosemont, IL

A request! Punk is defending his WWE championship in a Chicago Street Fight. Actually it’s a Rosemont Street Fight, but y’know.

Jericho has been very insulting in psychological warfare. A lot of beats from past Punk feuds that relatively nobody saw so they could bring them out again here. Punk’s dad, his sister, etc.

(Requests open and tips always appreciated!)

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Steve Austin & Triple H vs Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit (WWF, 5-21-2001)

WWF Raw Is War, San Jose, CA

A request! We’re in the still-early stages of the “Invasion” storyline, still in the “Two-Man Power Trip” days of Austin and Helmsley, before Helmsley gets hurt (!) and Austin has to become a comedy idiot with Kurt Angle and the gang.

Austin and HHH are defending the WWF tag belts here; they also have the WWF title (Austin) and had the IC title (Helmsley) until the night before, when Kane beat Hunter in a chain match at Judgment Day.

(Requests open and tips always appreciated!)

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