Jessica Troy vs Charli Evans (PWA Black Label, 3-12-2021)

PWA Black Label Started Out with a Kiss, Marrickville, NSW, Australia

A no-DQ match (Evans’ specialty) for the PWWA (not a typo) championship. I’m a huge Charli Evans fan and have loved what I’ve seen of Jessica Troy, too, and while I don’t know their history together well enough to be SUPER deeply invested, even just the video package work PWA did got me fired up here. It’s a simple story; they were best friends, now they aren’t.

Fast start, Evans with a great German, Troy going after the Fujiwara (she collects arms), some stuff outside the ring, Troy going after the arm (collection!) and Evans the leg.

Evans with a facewash in the corner as she starts to turn up the intensity and violence, which once again is her specialty, not Troy’s. Evans with a cool neckbreaker on an open chair. Evans the heavier hitter, meaner on the surface, and dominating early on because Troy hasn’t truly tapped into the nastiness she’s going to need to win this match.

Evans puts the chair open but on its side on the mat, goes for a suplex but Troy blocks there and SLAMS EVANS ON THE SIDE OF THE CHAIR! Yeah! Troy turns up the heat as necessary by beating the shit out of Evans with a funky kendo stick, who comes back with a creative bit of offense and I don’t fuckin know what moves are called anymore.

Evans sets up a big double stacked tower of opened chairs, but winds up superplexed onto them. You can’t say “through” because she bounces horribly off of them. There are also skewers out but haven’t been used, and now Troy fetches a bag from under the ring that I’m going to guess are thumbtacks. Yes, thumbtacks, and it’s Troy who takes the tacks in the spine.

Evans eventually takes the skewers in the skull, flips DA BIRD and all, but she also winds up in the tacks with the skewers in her skull AND in the armbar, and she winds up with no choice but to tap out. They do an emotional moment after the match, as if this has potentially brought them back together.

It’s a really fun match; I have no idea to whom I would recommend it, like, specifically. It’s got deathmatch elements but is not truly a deathmatch, so for those weird freaks it might lack the gore or violence they love. But skewers and whatnot may push it too far for people who just like, say, a mainstream “hardcore” match. I suppose I would recommend it to me, who has no particular bias against anything blood or deathmatch-y, but also wouldn’t call myself a “deathmatch fan,” really. So if you’re me, definitely watch it.

Rating: 3.5/5