Adam Cole & Kyle O’Reilly vs Roderick Strong & Pete Dunne vs Authors of Pain (NXT, 4-7-2018)


NXT TakeOver: New Orleans, New Orleans, LA

The tag titles and the Dusty Cup are on the line!

AoP go right after Undisputed Era, and we’ve got a six-man fight to begin the match. AoP pretty much clear the ring. By pretty much I mean they leave O’Reilly to get hit with the combo neckbreaker/power bomb, but Cole, whose ribbes are taped up after the ladder match, saves the pin. The Spanish broadcast desk about to be obliterated with Adam Cole’s body. He slips on the power bomb, but they pull him back up and just smash him through the thing.

Well, this is a start.

O’Reilly flies off the apron with a knee to one of the Authors, then drops the other. Dunne with a double wristlock on O’Reilly in the ring, Kyle counters and goes for a cross armbreaker. Some grappling and slappling. Strong and O’Reilly square up. Strong catches him with a backbreaker, Akam drilled, Rezar drilled by Roddy. O’Reilly helps with Rezar, but Strong hits the half nelson backbreaker on him for a two count.

O’Reilly goes for a guillotine, then switches it over to a triangle. Rezar makes the save, but O’Reilly picks his ankle and gets an ankle lock, holding the triangle on Roddy. Akam power bombs Dunne on O’Reilly to break the holds. That’ll do it.

Finally, we settle into tag rules. AoP corner Roddy and go to work. Dunne has made his way to the apron finally. Rezar with an overhead belly-to-belly on Strong, but O’Reilly comes in. He’s got no partner, as Cole is dead ringside after the ladder match and going through another table here.

Akam tags in and takes it to Strong. Quick tag back to Rezar. More punishment, another quick tag to Akam. Another quick tag to Rezar with nothing big happening. O’Reilly comes back in again, he’s determined. Strong finally kicks the AoP away, and goes for the tag to Dunne, but O’Reilly tries to stop him. No dice — the Bruiserweight is in!

Dunne ripping Akam with shots, O’Reilly flies in and goes after Dunne. O’Reilly goes for a German, Dunne lands on his feet. Tornado DDT on big Rezar gets two. Dunne and O’Reilly trading shots now. Both throwing closed fists, O’Reilly loves that spot and I DO, TOO.

They both land palm strikes at the same time, then Akam comes in and wipes them both out with a double lariat. AoP stack it up — power bombs on Dunne and O’Reilly! Strong back in and clearing house, Dunne back in the mix to bust fingers on Rezar. Angle Slam on Rezar from Roddy gets two.

Mauro pulls an all-timer: “I almost said, ‘Yes, Virginia, there is a UMBC in NXT,'” meaning he’s not even making a reference. He’s not going to GET to make that reference, so he referenced the reference he would have made. This is beyond the pale, y’all.

Dunne the legal man, and O’Reilly is hit with a back suplex on the apron from Strong, then Dunne follows with a double stomp to O’Reilly, still on the apron. Dunne and Strong dominating in the ring right now, beating up on Rezar until Akam makes the save.

Strong with a low bridge, sends Akam to the floor. Roddy’s dropkick misses, but he sends Akam into the steps. O’Reilly countered by Dunne in the ring, he hits Bitter End, and RODERICK STOMPS ON DUNNE! END OF HEARTACHE ON PETE DUNNE! STRONG PUTS DEAD O’REILLY ON DUNNE – 1, 2, 3!

Cole comes back in finally, and celebrates with O’Reilly. Both don’t know what’s going on or what happened, really, but Strong steps on Dunne, goes over to Cole, and takes his UE armband off, putting it on himself. Roderick Strong joins Undisputed Era.

Rating: 3.5/5. The action was great, but it was no doubt the least interesting match coming in on the entire show, and had to fight against that. They did it all well, though, and Roddy played his role perfectly. And in the end, the opportunist Strong gets the belt he’s been chasing, as he’ll surely be subbed into the tag in Fish’s absence.